samedi 14 novembre 2020

SUPERBE ! Reçu OJIJETE de John M. Bennett de Colombus (u.s.a) en retour d'ARTHUR RIMBAUD, un effaré en Douai

RECU  ! dech Caùmarate ed Colombus (u.s.a)John M. Bennett, en retour & réponse à 'ARTHUR RIMBAUD, un effaré en Douai' 

- Poetry. "I consider OJIJETE Bennett's finest work yet with its graphics, typography, marvelous cacophony/mayhem of language, confusion of music and sound, tonalities and accents in dialects hitherto unimagined! Insanity masked as poetry in its most primordial semi-conscious origins namely the utterance of the sacred vowels and regurgitating them ad infinitum in cosmic misrepresentations."--Iván Argüelles "Bennett cultivates an experimental poetics which works through intermediality; his iconoclastic attitude places him outside the 'what must be done' of the academies and the 'what will they say' of the literary cliques. Today at 77 years of age he continues being the 'seminal poet' perceived by Richard Kostelanetz decades ago; his production proliferates in a continuum which snakes among multiple languages, through which he moves naturally. His is a vital and subversive


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